The six dice (Harry Potter, Hagrid, Snape, Malfoy, Hermione, Sorting Hat) of the Harry Potter starters dice game.
Each Dicer is a clear cube, a bit over an inch tall, with a small figure inside. So the Hagrid Dicer has a figure of Hagrid inside.
The sides are marked with numbers from 1 through 5, in the same position those numbers would be on for a standard six-sided die.
And then the sixth side has a sticker on it with some information.
The sixth side sticker includes the name of the Dicer, the Dicer's casting bonus (how many times it can be re-rolled during combat),
the Dicer's power symbol (there are more than two dozen powers),
and the Dicer's alliance symbol (those sharing alliance symbols can draw powers from each other).
The rules include three versions - basic, intermediate and advanced.
The basic rules incorporate only the Dicers' casting bonuses and is very, well, basic.
The intermediate game adds everything except the alliance symbols, which are used in the advanced game.

[0370 x6] The Harry Potter starters set, plastic, 28 mm