Bar Dice is a drinking game generally played in a bar, tavern or pub.
The game is played with 2 or more players using five dice and a cup.
The motive behind the game (when played in a tavern or pub) is to determine which of the participants
will pay for the next round of drinks

[0085 x3] "Jackpot dice" from 1947 with a mug and instructions, 18 mm

[0177 x3] 3 Bar dice with a small black cup, 16 mm

[0618 x3] 3 Bar dice, 14.5 mm

[0619 x3] 3 Bar dice, 16 mm

[0620 x5] 5 Bar dice, 16 mm

[0621 x5] 5 Bar dice, 16.5 mm