[0077 x24] 24 wooden dice of the game "Letra-Mix", Germany, 18 mm

[0098] The "Lotto-Kugel", a large 60 mm diameter spherical D50, with numbers from 1 to 49 and the marking WMf, Germany, plastic, 63 mm

[0121 x5] The famous pig dice from Germany (or "Schweine wurfeln" in German), plastic, 23x17x10 mm

[0195 x6] "Wurfel Worterspiel" with "Sparkasse" sign (German bank) with instructions, wood, 14 mm

[0387 x3] So called "MIWIN'sche wuerfel", Germany, wood, 25 mm

[0424 x5] "Galalith" poker dice in black carton case, Germany, plastic, 17 mm

[0438] A nice bone 6-sided "Put and Take" spinner, Germany, 60x22 mm

[0460 x3] A set of 3 promotional dice, Germany, plastic, 16 mm

[0465] A plastic "Put and Take" spinner, Germany, 48x20 mm

[0478] Plastic "Put and Take" spinner from germany, 42x20 mm

[0480] A 6-sided brass "Put and Take" spinner, Germany, 25x12 mm

[0510] Promo die for "Engel" (??), Germany, wood, 16 mm

[0512] Promo die for "Morgenpost" (German newspaper), wood, 14 mm

[0517] Promo die for "Kabanes" (German alcoholic drink), plastic, 15.6 mm

[0523] Promo die for "Lekkerland", Germany, wood, 20 mm

[0526] Promo die for a Germany beer brand, plastic, 15.2 mm

[0529] Promo die for "Schlosser Alt", Germany, wood, 16 mm

[0533] Round promo die for "Investitions Bank Berlin", Germany, plastic, 21.5 mm

[0538] Promo die for "SPD" (German political party), wood, 16 mm

[0545] Promo die for "Freiberger Premium" (German beer), plastic, 12.5 mm

[0550 x3] The 3 dice sticks from the German game "Die 3 Magier", Germany, wood, 66x12 mm.

[0552] Promo die for "Cluss" (German beer), plastic, 16 mm

[0553] "DAB" promo die, Germany, plastic, 16 mm

[0555] Promo die for "Das wirtschaftszentrum West Koln", Germany, plastic, 15.8 mm

[0560] Promo die for "Kuemmerling", Germany, plastic, 15.5 mm

[0567] "Erdinger" promo die, Germany, plastic, 16 mm

[0670 x4] The 4 wooden dice from the (German) game "Schleckermaul", Germany, wood, 40x18 mm.

[0676] The so-called Y2K die, consisting of two D4's which can turn independently. Each D4 has 0, 1, 2 and 3 pips so that one can throw a 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6
therefore, in fact, resulting in a D7, Germany, wood, 31x18 mm

[0761] Large heavy iron promo dice for Bosch, Germany, 30 mm

[0809 x2] German money dice, wood, 20 mm

[0881 x2] Wooden tennis dice, Germany, 25.5 mm

[0882] Wooden tennis die, Germany, 30 mm

[0889] A wooden 'Put and Take' spinner, Germany, 50x20 mm

[0893] A German 6-sided wooden spinner, 57x25 mm

[0931] A wooden German color die, 20 mm

[1035] A wooden German word die, 30 mm

[1036] A wooden German word die, 30 mm

[1037] A wooden German word die, 30 mm

[1038 x2] Two wooden German word dice, 16.3 mm

[1039] A wooden German word die, 30 mm

[1040] A large metal German word die, 25 mm

[1041] A wooden promo die for "Bild am Sonntag" (German newspaper), 18 mm

[1043 x3] Irregular bi-colored glass dice made in Germany, 14 mm

[1221] "RASCHIG" promo die, plastic, 15.7 mm

[1349 x3] Round promotional dice for "Siemens", Germany, plastic, 21.5 mm

[1358] Round promotional dice for "WIS, aber sicher", Germany, plastic, 21.5 mm

[1543] A wooden German die with 6 different drinks, 30 mm

[1544] A wooden German die with 6 different drinks, 25 mm

[1797] An 8-sided wooden spinner for the game "Sturmwolke (1986)", Germany, 50x25 mm

[1799] Large wooden D6 for the game "Pinguin parade (1993)", Germany, 30 mm

[1910] A 4-sided bone 'Put and Take' spinner, Germany, 51x24 mm

[1911] A 6-sided bone 'Put and Take' spinner, Germany, 58x22 mm

[1912] A 6-sided plastic 'Put and Take' spinner, Germany, 41x20 mm