Links to dice collectors with a web site:

Alea Kybos (Switzerland)
Carmela (France)
Gerrit Veldhoen (Netherlands)
Henning 'Faroul' Peters (Germany)
Jennifer Asperheim (USA)
Kevin Cook (USA)
Leo van der Heijdt (Netherlands)
Maxim (Russia)
Matthias Hoschek (Germany)
Michael Schaffer (Germany)

Please e-mail me at "arjan.verweij AT" if you would like to be included or removed from this list,
or if the link is no longer correct.

Links to sites with info on ancient dice:

Roman Dice Games: link

Tali, knucklebones: link

Tesserae: link

An Ancient Roman D20 (from a Christies Auction): link

Collection of 7 Egyptian dice: link

Roemisches-rheinland: link

Imperium-Romanum (in German): link

Landschaftsverband Westfalen-Lippe museum: link

National Archaeological Museum of Athens, Greece: link

The history of dice: link

Document "SUR UN DÉ A JOUER DIT ROMAIN" (in French): link

An article about Ancient Board Games on display in the British Museum: link

Dice collection at the Metropolitan Museum of Art (about 50 dice and 10 knucklebones): link

Dice collection at the museum of London (about 170 dice): link

Nice Wikipedia article on long dice: link

History of dice: link


The famous book written by Leo van der Heijdt: Face to face with DICE

A superb book on dice: Das Wuerfelbuch

Various links:

Dice maniac's club

A website with handmade casted dice, see Vertex dice

A very nice Kickstarter project on dice varying from D3 to D30: Dice chain sets

A small Kickstarter project on 6-sided dice with 1 to 6 slices of pizza or pie charts: Slice dice

My web site blogged: Dices everywhere

If you are manufacturing dice and want to have a link on my web site, please e-mail me at "arjan.verweij AT".