Original poker is a typical bar game played with 5 dice.
The dice markings are 9 (clubs or spades), 10 (hearts or diamonds), jack, queen, king, and ace (clubs or spades).
Nowadays, you can find also different games, with different markings or even different number of sides (8-sided, 12-sided).

See also Spanish poker dice and Promo poker dice

[0234 x5] 5 large wooden poker dice form the game "Joker Poker" with instructions; 1 die has 2 jokers, 32 mm

[0411 x5] 5 transparent poker dice in tube "Invisible games", Netherlands, plastic/bakelite, 17.5 mm

[0419 x5] Poker dice in black leather case with instructions, plastic, 16 mm

[0421 x5] 5 poker dice in a leather case with the inscription "K.&C.", plastic/bakelite, 18 mm

[0424 x5] "Galalith" poker dice in black carton case, Germany, plastic, 17 mm

[0435 x5] 5 old poker dice, ivory/celluloid, 16 mm

[0801 x5] Mexican poker set, 17 mm

[0988 x5] A set of 5 poker dice with the inscription 'POKER D'AS Fabrication Francaise', plastic, 18 mm

[1026 x5] A set of 8-sided poker dice also known as 'Marlboro dice', plastic, 27 mm

[1027] An old 8-sided poker dice withy flattened corners, ivory/celluloid, 15 mm

[1028] An 8-sided poker dice, plastic, 27 mm

[1031 x10] Set of 10 12-sided poker dice probably from game "Aurora poker, 1975", plastic, 19 mm

[1033 x5] A set of 5 wooden poker dice in a wooden tube, 16 mm

[1034 x5] A set of 5 transparent 'Next drinking games' poker dice, 16 mm

[1225 x5] Old celluloid poker dice, UK, 14.6 mm.

[1247 x5] Large old poker dice, probably bakelite, 25.5 mm.

[1248 x2] Two very old rather small poker dice from around 1873, celluloid, 14 mm.

[1249 x2] Two old poker dice, posibly bakelite, 17 mm.

[1250] A very large poker dice, wood, 42 mm.

[1252 x5] A set of small poker dice in a red etui, plastic, 13 mm.

[1682] Poker die, plastic, 18 mm