[0019 x3] Three old (19th century) ivory/bone dice on which tax has been paid,
indicated by the marking GR (George Rex) and a small crown stamped within the 6, UK, 14 mm
More of these dice can be seen in 'GR marked dice

[0016 x4] 4 nice ivory dice with GR marking (hardly visible), UK, 16.5 mm

[0266 x4] The GB card 14-sided dice set of the football club Liverpool, 34 mm

[0277 x4] The GB card 14-sided dice set of the football club West Ham, 34 mm

[0312 x4] The GB card 14-sided dice set of the football club Manchester United, 34 mm

[0349 x2] "Match soccer dice", UK, wood, 16 mm

[0432 x5] "Hop leaf" poker promo dice, bakelite, 16 mm

[0566] "AON Benfield" promo die, UK, rubber, 53 mm

[0577 x3] Set of 3 from St George, UK, bakelite, 13.5 mm

[0578 x3] Set of 3 from St George, UK, plastic, 18 mm

[0697 x12] Dice dominoes with box, UK, plastic, 25 mm

[0784 x4] Some letter dice, especially for forming English words, GB, plastic, 21 mm

[0811] For English pounds, plastic, 22 mm

[0897] Decision dice: "when,who,where,what,why,how", plastic, 16 mm

[1225 x5] Old celluloid poker dice, UK, 14.6 mm.

[1916] Plastic D6, UK, 20 mm.